Filled with jumpy beats that dart through 12 eclectic nu-jazz tracks that hover between global house and techno, Future Sound of Jazz 11 pumps the tempo and spirit up a notch. Compiled by Compost founder and owner Michael Reinboth, who started in 1994 handpicking up-and-coming nu-jazz artists from across the globe, number 11 more than ever marries big sound with a fresh vibe. Grabbing your attention immediately with the stand-up groove of the nu-jazz string arrangement “Salome” by Joash, followed by the bumping Latin percussion of Christian Prommer’s tech-jazz rework of Koop’s “Drum Rhythm A,” the whole thing unfolds into a jostling celebration of rhythms and flavors from every genre. Dennis Ferrar makes old skool keyboards and the house shuffle new again with “Son of Raw,” and No Theory’s “Strictly Instrumental” brings a minimal tech drive to the nu-jazz stream. Whether broken, glitched-out, tuba-laced or steadfast, FSOJ11 maintains a solid groove, and through all the head-bopping pleasantries, there are enough edgy tracks to remind the listener they are still being privy to some sophisticated rarities.